Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's great to be alive! Phoebe's Daily Diary

So, you want to know what an upstanding Chicago dog does on a daily basis? Here you go!

Phoebe's Daily Diary:

6:00 am: Slowly open eye.... good, still no movement from the big bed!

7:00 am: Descend from sleeping chair, move to sleeping bed, all the better to espy any movement from the big bed.

8:00 am: Movement observed! Run to back door to be let out. Stand at top of the stairs to survey the estate.

8:01 am: Scratch at back door to be let back in.

8:30 am: A walk! My favorite thing!

8:45 am: Scratch at back door to be let out. Finish doing what I didn't do on the walk.

9:00 am: Breakfast. Sniff. Turn up nose. Go sit by back door.

9:02 am: Begin "Mexican Jumping Bean" game: scratch at back door. Get let out.

9:03 am: Scratch at back door to be let back in.

9:06 am: Continue "Mexican Jumping Bean" game: scratch at back door. No luck this time.

9:08 am: Give up at the door. Put ball under Wags feet while coffee is made.

9:10 am: Nudge ball closer to feet. Good! Ball is kicked across the floor! Chase, slide on floor, capture ball.

9:11 am: Put ball under Wags feet again. Success! Ball is kicked again! Chase, slide on floor, capture ball.

Repeat as long as the ball gets kicked.

10:00 am: Re-examine food. Decide it's worth eating after all.

11:00 am: Bark for no apparent reason.

12:00 pm: Go outside to survey the estate.

1:00 pm: Bark! Alert Wags to domestic incursion by the mail carrier.

2:00 pm: Hear sound of car keys! Run excitedly to garage! I love car rides.

3:00 pm: Rummage through toy box! Find squeaky toy. Make lots of noise.

4:00 pm: Treats! Yum!

7:00 pm: Dinner time. Sniff. Decide to eat.

7:30 pm: Bring ball to Wags. Stare. Success! Ball is thrown. Chase, slide on floor, capture ball.
Repeat as long as ball is thrown.

8:10 pm: Run up and bark at dog in tv commercial. Stay out of my house!

9:00 pm: Leap on Wags whose snoozing on couch. Give Wags kisses!

10:00 pm: Listen carefully for sound of remote control turning off tv. Jump up! Dash to door for evening constitutional!

10:30 pm: Bed time. Settle down in my sleeping chair. Get ready for another day!

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